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Parkinson Voice Project, Holiday Gifting, BrainShape Podcast, and More
Laurie Blume

Parkinson Voice Project, Holiday Gifting, BrainShape Podcast, and More

Happy Holiday Season

Our team at Gracefully Greying wishes you a joyous and healthy holiday - no matter how you celebrate! With all this downtime, we hope you explore our continuously updated resources and content, pick up a great book, and maybe cook some new recipes with us.

Know of a special 100-year-old+ friend or family member? Share their story with us to add to our Gracefully Greying 100 Club! Finally, as always, please continue to explore Gracefully Greying's YouTube Channel featuring important and timely conversations with professionals on topics ranging from legal and financial issues facing seniors to health and wellness, and the arts.

Thanks to your ongoing support, the GG community continues to grow and provide insightful resources and connections to help us 'live life fully'.

Laurie Blume & Henry Gornbein, Gracefully Greying Co-Founders

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